this is a
strange idea to embed kretif address / link website.Pat Vaillancaourt is a record holder for 10,000 website addresses are made tattoo on tubuhnya.Tetapi, the action did not stop and wanted to put 100 000 web address in the body

via odditycentral
This is a project menarik.Dia now approaching 15 000 link tattoos and claiming more than 16,000 companies have booked a place in tubuhnya.Temannya, a tattoo artist takes 1 hour and a half to execute the 100 URL, to Vaillancourt said the project will be completed by 10,000 - 12,000 hours kerja.Pat Vaillacourt also received a facebook and twitter url dengna only pay 35 dolar.Hmm .. . no-nonsense ideas.
That to his age-30 in 2010, Vaillancourt decided to set a world record sendiri.Karena he was not an athlete or have other skills, ahirnya he had the idea to make a tattoo as a relic on the website address tubuhnya.Dengan pay $ 35, website owners can put a tattoo link / website address in tubuhnya.Setengah results will be donated to the people of Haiti and Somalia, the other half is used to pay for a tattoo and promote proyek.Ia also hopes to increase to $ 3.5 in the future
via odditycentral
This is a project menarik.Dia now approaching 15 000 link tattoos and claiming more than 16,000 companies have booked a place in tubuhnya.Temannya, a tattoo artist takes 1 hour and a half to execute the 100 URL, to Vaillancourt said the project will be completed by 10,000 - 12,000 hours kerja.Pat Vaillacourt also received a facebook and twitter url dengna only pay 35 dolar.Hmm .. . no-nonsense ideas.
That to his age-30 in 2010, Vaillancourt decided to set a world record sendiri.Karena he was not an athlete or have other skills, ahirnya he had the idea to make a tattoo as a relic on the website address tubuhnya.Dengan pay $ 35, website owners can put a tattoo link / website address in tubuhnya.Setengah results will be donated to the people of Haiti and Somalia, the other half is used to pay for a tattoo and promote proyek.Ia also hopes to increase to $ 3.5 in the future